Memorisation: the deep problem of Midjourney, ChatGPT, and friends

If we ask GPT to get us "that poem that compares the loved one to a summer's day" we want it to produce the actual Shakespeare Sonnet 18, not some confabulation. And it does. It has memorised this part of the training data. This is both sought-after and problematic and provides a fundamental limit for the reliability of these models.

What makes Ilya Sutskever believe that superhuman AI is a natural extension of Large Language Models?

I came across a 2 minute video where Ilya Sutskever — OpenAI's chief scientist — explains why he thinks current 'token-prediction' large language models will be able to become superhuman intelligences. How? Just ask them to act like one.

State of the Art Gemini, GPT and friends take a shot at learning

Google’s Gemini has arrived. Google has produced videos, a blog, a technical background paper, and more. According to Google: "Gemini surpasses state-of-the-art performance on a range of benchmarks including text and coding." But hidden in the grand words lies another generally overlooked aspect of Large Language Models which is important to understand. And when we use that aspect to try to trip up GPT, we see something peculiar. Shenanigans, shenanigans.